Our high-density compressed sealing glass
has been improved
In most cases, bubbles are present in beads sintered from powder glass.
Bubbles are known to have a deleterious effect on insulation, which is the
fundamental reason for using the beads. We have sintered the glass beads
for matching seals in high density conditions, and these have been given a
high rating by customers. However, with the recent trend toward seeking
high-quality products at reduced cost, we have received more and more
requests from customers to produce "compressed sealing glass without
After years of trial and error, by re-examining the product from the
initial process (the treatment of powdered glass), we have succeeded in
producing a form of high-density compressed sealing glass.
Photo 1
Two glass beads of different types with the lead inserted through the

Photo 2
Cross section of melted glass beads (dark spots are bubbles).
Both photos show the difference between the two types of glass bead:
the glass bead on the left is the traditional product, and the one on the
right is the up-to-date high-density compressed glass bead, which is
transparent and nearly bubble-free.
Reduction of power consumption during hours of peak demand through
the medium of solar-power generation
We have engaged in certain environmental measures, such as obtaining
ISO14001 in response to the recent environmental problems. We are taking
additional measures to cut electric power consumption, in consideration of
the problem of electric power shortages during times when nuclear power
plants are out of operation. With society facing such a situation, we have
deployed solar-power generation using in-house solar panels as well as a
system to monitor electric power consumption. These new systems have
enabled us to reduce the amount of our power consumption during peak hours
by more than 5%.

A link to the study of neutrinos
In 2002, Masatoshi Koshiba, Professor Emeritus of the University of
Tokyo, won the Nobel Prize in Physics “for pioneering contributions to
astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic
For a special reason, we were delighted to hear this wonderful
We produce glass stems used for photomultipliers. One of our
previous achievements was the fabrication of the stems of 20-inch
photomultipliers used in the Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Detector located in
Kamioka, Gifu Prefecture.
20 years have passed since neutrinos produced by a supernova
explosion in the Great Magellanic Cloud were detected in February 1987.
From a time well before this historic event, and without interruption to
the present day, our products have been used in diverse ways in a variety
of components of many different devices. Most of them are small and
inconspicuous; however, we are confident that the fact that our products
have aided in the study of neutrinos, an endeavor which has brought our
country the Nobel Prize, has given all the members of our company great
encouragement to work to their highest potential.

The above rings, a translucent ring and a white ring, are two of our
products. Matched seals are used to maintain a vacuum inside the photomultipliers. (See our product information.) |